Kallista Mind-Body Medicine
Est. 2006
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of treatment do I need?
It's ok not to know what to book... if you haven't been here before, just book an initial consultation. If you aren't sure you can give us a call and have a chat to Kali or Ayla. (See Therapists, under About Us)
If you specifically want Somatic Trauma Therapy or Counseling, you can book that directly.
Can I use my Private Health cover?
Yes. Most extras will cover acupuncture only.
Can I do an online session?
Yes - Telehealth is enabled for most sessions. Please specify when booking. Most people prefer to come in person to the clinic.
What about NDIS?
With a self managed plan, you can choose to do Somatic Therapy or counseling.
Does Acupuncture hurt?
The needles used in acupuncture are very fine and acupuncture is usually a painless therapy when applied correctly. You will experience a sensation when the needle stimulates the qi; this can be a tingling or a dull ache, and is different for each person and point needled. Everyone’s experience of acupuncture is different, and some points are more sensitive than others.
Laser is an alternative to acupuncture if you prefer not to have needles.
Will my insurance cover my treatment?
Yes, if you have the appropriate extras cover. Usually you only need to pay the gap if your private heath fund is compatible with HICAPS. This amount will depend on your fund and level of cover. You may not be able to claim on the massage or the herbs.
How many treatments will I need to have?
This is dependent on a number of factors, such as how long the health concern has been present. The number of treatments would be different for every individual. As an indication though, a course of treatment would often be 3-5 sessions. Some people find it so beneficial in times of stress they come weekly for support during times of intense pressure, emotional upheaval, or rehabilitation. Some people get immediate benefit, especially from pain. They only need to rebook as desired.